100% Kevlar Flat Wick37mm x 3mm(1.5" x 1/8")Twill
Catalog Number:WICK:WIC1T1.5x1/8
Kevlar Flat wick, twill weave 37mm x 3mm (1.5 inch x 1/8 inch)
Renegade flat wicking is made from 100% kevlar. The twill weave comes in two thickness, 1/16 and 1/8. Depending on the application and how the wick is rolled, folded or woven a thicker or thinner wick may work better. By volume thicker wick is cheaper than thinner so if you are not sure of which will work better, the 1/8 thickness is more cost effective. This twill woven wick is made from friction spun yarn, which increases the hairiness of thread. Wicking made from this type of thread has a softer feel and is more flexible than a ring spun thread. The twill weave keeps the wicking from coming apart if some strands are broken. The most common use for this size is for making small rolled wicks, like fire fans. The friction spun wicking also holds more fuel than ring spun yarn wick due to it's increased fluff or hairness.
Wick thickness is nominal. The minimum thickness is 3mm but the actual thickness is variable. Each manufacturing run will have a slightly different thickness, this batch is 3.04mm
Widths 1.5" or 37.55mm
Thickness (1/8, 3mm)
Fiber: Aramid fiber: Kevlar 100%
Temperature rating 500 degrees F