Juggling Torches

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Renegade Juggling Torch
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Renegade Fire Dance Torch
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Book of Club Swinging by W. J. Schatz
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Juggling Torches

Jugging fire torches are the most popular fire props. The Renegade juggling torch is specially made with lightweight materials so that it juggles just like our clubs. The body of the torch is large enough so when laying on the ground, the Kevlar wicks do not touch it.

The Renegade fire-swinging torch is great for performing. The cathedral wicking makes a big flame. The body of the torch is tapered so the wick heads will not touch your arms when doing snakes and other fire-swinging moves.

Juggling torches were one of the first fire props to be used in performance, well before fire staffs, fire poi, and most other fire props. The Renegade Jugging torch (1986) was the first prop to use Kevlar instead of asbestos wicking. In fact, Kevlar has now become the standard wick for all fire props.

  • Renegade torches are made with lightweight materials and juggle with the same spin and balance as our clubs.
  • Renegade swinging torch: designed in 1988, it was the first torch made specifically for fire swinging. It still remains the best made swinging torch on market.
  • Gora juggling sword: a very nice design for Renaissance-themed performances or sword play. 
  • Play mephisto torch: made with a wood center for high durability.
  • Gora swinger/Staff: can be magnetically converted from a pair of swinger torches into a short staff.

Pro tips (advanced and intermediate players)

Juggling torches in the wind presents the most common problem. The wind can blow back the flames onto the center of the torch which can burn or melt it. The best way to avoid this is to face down wind when juggling fire. If you need to place the torch on the ground, like in many streets shows, make sure the handle is facing upwind. Using barbecue lighter fluid is also much better in windy conditions because it gives off less heat and burns slower than white gas (Coleman fuel, 55 octane).
